Mind over matter. As I said before, my life for the past few years has been a lie. Since I will have already been gone when my child is at a very young age, this won’t affect them in the least. I know this doesn’t quite fly with many of your confrontational attitudes, it is the way I roll, to put it gently. I’ve heard your advice over and over again and have taken it to heart. But I must go my own way. Disfellowship me if you want, but my mind is made up. Thank you for your thoughts, but as far as I am concerned, discussion and commentary on my plan for re-instatement is now closed.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
JoinedPosts by Las Malvinas son Argentinas
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
I’ve been living a lie for some time now. To live it for a short time longer in order to remove a stain from my name is a small sacrifice. As I said before, I will be out of this country by next autumn. From that point on, I will be having contact mainly with my father and his family who are not Witnesses. I will keep in contact with the folks back home via Skype. I most likely will be staying in the USA after that if I am offered a job. My family can think what they want about me, but I do not wish to carry around this disfellowshipped label with me. Maybe you think differently on this subject and have your own reasons for doing so, but I have mine. I am looking forward to rebuilding my life as an independent and successful woman. Who knows what the future will bring? I will move on into it no matter what. As soon as I leave, I will not enter another Kingdom Hall ever again. That is how I will protect my child. Much thanks to my American friends here. I can’t wait to come!
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
St. George – That was funny! Who says Argentines didn't have a sense of self-depreciating humour? But for obvious reasons, I prefer our video.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas!
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Thank you for your kind comments and advice. A lot of stuff to go through! I do detect a few negative comments directed toward my decision to try for reinstatement. It is important to place yourself into the shoes of the person who has to make and live with the decisions before passing judgment. I am at a point in my life when I need as many people to depend on as possible.
It was heavily implied that to go back would be to give support to the organization and its goals. In many instances, yes. Mine is simply temporary and for convenience. I think I made myself clear on that point. I fail to see how that gives support to this cause. I seek to beat them at their own label game and hope to come out on top. Others have suggested that this is a question of integrity, and I am somehow putting my child at risk for exposing them to Witness relatives and doctrine. I say nonsense! My child will be raised by me and with my values. It is a natural desire to have them have contact with their relatives. In my country, family is highly valued, and people are at a huge disadvantage to not have their families acknowledge them. It is a social stigma. I do not want this for my child, and I refuse to be guilted into feeling otherwise. Disfellowshipped or not, I control the level of contact. If it works or not remains to be seen.
This situation of me going back for re-instatement is not at all the best scenario for me. But I am trying to make the best of an already horrible existence. I despise this shunning policy and want to overturn it, and if I can’t do it for everyone, I can at least do it for me. It’s not being completely honest, but when I become inactive, that will be honest enough for me. I have released myself from hatred of even the people who hate me. What I want is a criminal record expungement. I hope to share with you all how the progress is going.
As far as revealing information goes, I’m disfellowshipped, so the vase is already shattered. If they find out who I am, then so be it. I’ll let fate decide that one. I doubt I’ll be found out, because most of the elders in and around my congregation are ignorant and most don’t speak English. The use of my pic and my name are my own personal middle finger to anyone who wants to spy on me.
Finally, it was rude to say that I have a terrible user name! If you want to express yourself on the Malvinas issue, then please do. “Las Malvinas son Argentinas” is a slogan in our country, a lot like “God Save The Queen”. When you enter Argentina, you see these four words along with a map of the Malvinas on a sign. Furthermore, there are a lot of silly or incomprehensible nicknames on this board. Feel free to use “The Falklands are British” if you please. I won’t say it’s terrible, even though I disagree with the sentiment. But don’t insult my choice of a username. My father was a Malvinas War veteran, and my family suffered greatly because of it. He was on the verge of mental breakdown when someone handed him a Watchtower. It saved our family, only to destroy it two years later. Now I am the latest victim. No, I don’t blame the Malvinas or the British for my problems. But for your information, the French had the first settlement, and the Spanish bought them out. The English had a short-lived settlement near the western island (Gran Malvina, not sure what it is in English) and completely disappeared before taking what Argentina had on Isla Soledad (don’t know the English term) in 1833.
Aussie Delicacy Vegemite Loses Some of Its Savory Appeal
by Scott77 inthe a-hedupdated may 10, 2012, 12:29 p.m. etaussie delicacy vegemite loses some of its savory appealyeasty spread is acquired taste, but kids today are a hard sell; edgers and streakersby rachel pannettvegemite is australia's best known snack, but maker kraft foods has been struggling to get a new generation of aussies to eat it.
now, some chefs are seeing the strongly flavored spread as a unique gastronomic opportunity.
wsj's rachel pannett reports.. sydneyvegemite, australia's best-known condiment, is leaving a bad taste in little mouths.. beloved for generations down under, it has been derided elsewhere: formula one race-car driver mark webber travels with it in his kit and actor russell crowe eats it with tomato.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
I’ve had Marmite before when I was in England. I loved it! I suppose Vegemite is the same thing?
Has anyone ever used a non-NWT (New World Translation) bible at meetings / study?
by biometrics inabout 1 year ago (before i faded), i purchased an old king james bible from ebay and started using it in the meetings and when a brother came over to study with me.. a common reaction of fellow jws was to stare at the bible, then say "what type of bible is that?
", then they'd sometimes ask to look at it, and flip to john 1:1. when they saw what it said, they'd treat it like it was apostate material, even though a few decades earler it was the same bible jws used.. i strongly encourage any lurkers/faders to use another bible at the meetings and see what type of reactions you get.. .
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
We carried another Bible with us when we went out to Los Campos (“the field”) since rural people were more inclined to accept a non-JW Bible. Unfortunately the only one we had was a poor Spanish translation of a modern American Bible. It sounded as clunky in Spanish as the NWT if you can believe that! My God, this brings me back some poor memories. I hope I never have to do that again.
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Well, they disfellowshipped me because I could no longer hide the fact that I will be a mother soon. I am not married and don’t even have a boyfriend, so a lot of gossip was circulated that I am a bad woman. I was honest with them that I truly regret how things happened, but the gossip was already so bad that they felt that they had to do something. No matter how much I pleaded with them about how difficult this would make my life, it did not convince them. My mother then told me that she would not contact or speak to me, which hurt me the most. It hurt her too, but she did not need to take that firm of a decision. My brothers (whom I am very close to) took a more relaxed viewpoint and encouraged me to come back.
So I will go to Georgetown in Washington next year to start on graduate studies. My father and his family live nearby in Virginia, and they have agreed to help me. But I have not seen my father for many years. He left 20 years ago to the USA to work. He was a JW for a couple years, but couldn’t take it anymore, so he understands me. So I wish to clear things up here before I leave. Family is important to me and it’s a shame that these things can’t be better. I do not look forward to attending meetings again in shame, but I will try. It fills me with tears to think about these things, but it is a fact of life with having a JW family. I want no more to do with them after all of this.
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Ay! Let’s move the Malvinas discussion please! But I will finally say this: Using the same argument, then China is the rightful owner of Tibet since the Chinese are now the majority and if a vote took place, Tibet would elect to remain with China! I think the Malvinas issue is an important one, and not something to be dismissed with a “we won, you lost” mentality. But let’s direct any further comments on this to another thread. I just wanted to greet everyone and tell a little about myself.
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
Ay! I somehow knew that would cause discussion. Yes, I have heard the British point of view. 179 years of occupation does not make it any more right than if Argentina took some remote Scottish islands 179 years ago and called them an Argentine territory ever since. But we can disagree on this! I do not disfellowship you! My father was a veteran of the Malvinas War and the cause is close to my heart.
by Las Malvinas son Argentinas inlibertad!
though my story is a bit more complicated than that.
i live in argentina.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
So here I am! Libertad! Though my story is a bit more complicated than that. I live in Argentina. I was disfellowshipped almost a month ago. No more Kingdom Halls and turning in time, but more unfortunately, this leaves me with almost no family left! Well, you all must know how that goes. I’m not completely helpless though. My father lives with his second wife in the USA with their children – my three little brothers and sisters! My brother lives in London.
They left the religion long ago, but my mother, two older brothers, their families, and my grandparents are all still going to the Hall. But within Argentina, all I really have are friends. So I have this plan. It will sound stupid to some, but to me it’s worth a try. I really don’t want to stay disfellowshipped. I can do without the religion, but I do not desire a complete disconnect from most of my family. I spoke to the elders shortly before they disfellowshipped me, and they told me I must come to meetings and sit in the back, and in six months they can review my situation. Also I need to move out from where I live with my wild roommates and find my own place. And so today I made arrangements to rent a room from an older acquaintance. It’s not far from the Kingdom Hall, and I can make appearances there.
In little over a year’s time, I will go abroad to study. No one else knows this, but I do. I hope to get re-instated to the congregation, and then will go. That way my mother cannot check up on me and my service, but will still believe that I am in the Witnesses. I can then come back to visit and be a part of the family. Even if I decide to come back, I can always become inactive. That way they can still speak to me at least.
What a crazy religion! But you all know that.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas!